Digital security Q & As and workshop

While we work on our next digital security workshop, we wanted to offer some tips from the last one and also make ourselves available if your group or org have questions. If you're interested please email us at

In collaboration with friends, we organized a workshop on Surveillance-resistant organizing at the Allied Media Conference at the end of July. AMC 2020 was virtual, and their biggest conference ever. We presented some information about practices and technology, gave folks guidelines, and then an exercise to design. Some takeaways:

  • Encryption is, at best, secret for now (link to our post with more detail); encrypted communication can be recorded and saved until a later date when decryption becomes much easier.
  • Some security practices can negatively impact accessibility or slow down important work; try to take these into account when designing actions
  • The consequences of secrets being discovered isn’t always equal; consider the different risks that participants take on, and protect each other
  • Consider who needs to know what; avoid oversharing
  • History of surveillance in U.S., including its origin as a tool for slavery and white supremacy

We’d like to offer a longer workshop that goes into more detail about things you might do, tools you might use, and good operational security practices. Please let us know what topics you'd like covered!